Project: Hyland Hills
H a p p y 2 0 2 4
I’m not one for making grand New Year’s resolutions, but I do like to take some time in January to look in the rearview mirror and then set some intentions for the clean slate ahead.
Here are the life categories I consider when it comes to my goals. Maybe my framework will be helpful for you too?
My People
This is where I take a hard look at my relationships. Do I intentionally connect with the people most important to me? Do I slow down enough to look into my kids' eyes and interact with them each day? Have I invested in my marriage in the ways I’ve wanted to? Have I prioritized spending time with my closest friends? Pulling out my calendar and scheduling dates with the people I love helps hold me accountable when my life feels swamped.
My Body
When it comes to health and fitness, instead of setting lofty goals that feel unachievable, I find it helpful to ask myself, What habit(s) do I want to start or keep this year?
Project: Southwood
For me, almost-daily workouts, drinking at least a gallon of water a day, and increasing my lean protein intake are always at the top of my list. When we built our home gym in 2019, I had no way of knowing how impeccably timed it was or how useful it would become in the months and years to follow. Like many of you, I dropped my gym membership during the pandemic and have not been back since. Instead, I do home workouts 4-5 days a week and I’m incredibly grateful to have a space where I can knock out my workouts in an hour or so, commute included. This is one habit I want to keep.
Project: Scandfornian
My Mind
Some of you know my mom passed away in September, so my mind has been unusually distracted recently. I have found it helpful to set aside a few mornings a week to light a candle, journal my thoughts, pray, and reflect on my loss. I know there will be countless waves of grief in the months and years ahead, so my morning quiet time is another habit I intend to keep.
Project: Bentgrass Way
My Home
January is, of course, the time of year when many of us dive into our closets, pantries, and drawers searching for some breathing room. The start of a brand-new year feels like the perfect time to Marie Kondo our way through our homes.
Project: Southwood
I say, start small. Pack up the holiday décor. Clean out your sock drawer. Declutter your nightstand. Action begets action, and progress is progress no matter how small.
My Business
Finally, my team and I spent a lot of time in 2023 tightening up the back end of our business. One of my goals in the new year is to find even more efficiency and automation that will make our workdays less complicated.
Project: Southbrook Lower Level
Speaking of automation, I think there are two kinds of people in the world when it comes to email. One is constantly striving for an “inbox zero” status, and the other pays no mind to that ever-climbing notification bubble. I am firmly in camp “inbox zero”, or as close to it as I can get.
I recently found Have you heard of it? It’s a free service that helps you unsubscribe from unwanted emails. You can keep the ones you want and roll up the rest into a single daily digest. It’s genius. You’re welcome. (I have zero affiliation with Just sharing something I like.)
Alternatively, try this: set a timer for 15 minutes and see how many unnecessary lists you can unsubscribe yourself from. I’m all about gamifying unpleasant tasks.
So that’s it. That’s how I’m categorizing my goals for 2024: My people, my body, my mind, my home, and my business.
How do you set goals or intentions for the new year?
I'd love to hear from you!